Battle of Yavin (76)Full unit name: Battle of Yavin
Last updated: 30.07.2024 20:56:16
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Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Relations: Yavin Prime
Yavin Prime
, Yavin IV
Yavin IV
Known Facts (32)
The Battle of Yavin was a major battle of the Galactic Civil War that led to the destruction of the first Death Star
Death Star
Space Stations
and Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
's first step to becoming a fully-fledged Jedi. It was one of the Rebellion's first major victories. While Rebels analyzed newly acquired Death Plans to find some weakness in its defenses, The Death Star arrived in system escorted by a small support fleet. Following the preliminary attacks, a fleet of 22 X-wing
T-65 X-Wing
Starfighter Models
, 8 Y-wing
BTL Y-Wing
Starfighter Models
, and 2 R-22 Spearhead starfighters scrambled to assault the station. The Death Star attempted to use its batteries to defend itself, but the defenses were designed primarily to fight off capital ships, not the small, agile Rebel ships. The fighters destroyed several turrets and a giant ion cannon mounted on the Station, in order to set the stage for the main phase of the assault. The station commander, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin
Wilhuff Tarkin
Major Characters
, dismissed the attack as futile and refused to deploy the station's vast TIE squadrons. Tarkin also refused to evacuate when his chief, Moradmin Bast, attempted to warn him that the Rebels may have found a weak spot in the station. But Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
, realizing the material threat, ordered his personal fighter squadron
Black Squadron
Galactic Empire Navy
to scramble on his own authority. The TIE fighter squadron attacked the Rebel forces soon after they realized that their laser batteries were failing. An order was passed on, to stop all turbolasers from firing, letting the TIEs do the job, and to avoid the risk of Imperial fighters being shot down by friendly fire. The Rebels engaged in duels with the starfighters, destroying several to clear the way to the trench. As the rest of the Rebel fighters engaged Vader's forces, three Y-wings from Gold Squadron
Gold Squadron
Rebel Alliance Navy
began their attack run on the trench. They were followed by Vader in his TIE Advanced
TIE Advanced x1
Starfighter Models
, flanked by Backstabber
Minor Characters
and "Mauler" Mithel
"Mauler" Mithel
Minor Characters
in TIE Fighters
TIE Fighter
Starfighter Models
. Vader shot down Tiree (Gold Two) and Jon Vander
Jon 'Dutch' Vander
Minor Characters
(Gold Leader) in the trench, then shot down Davish Krail (Gold Five) as he attempted to escape. Following the failure of Gold Squadron, the Rebel tacticians on Yavin 4
Yavin IV
directed Red Leader to keep half of the group out of range, and Red Leader instructed Reds Two, Three and Five (Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles
Major Characters
, Biggs Darklighter
Biggs Darklighter
Supporting Characters
, and Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
, respectively) to hold back while he led the second trench run, flanked by Reds Ten and Twelve. Red Squadron made a second bombing run, with Garven Dreis
Garven Dreis
Supporting Characters
(Red Leader) making the attack itself, while Red Ten and Red Twelve attempted to hold off Vader and his fighters. While both his companions were shot down, Red Leader succeeded in making the run, but his proton torpedoes exploded on the exhaust port's surface, leaving a near miss and also killing some stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
inside from the force of the explosion. The remaining X-Wings attempted to cover Red Leader on his exit from the trench, but Dreis, who had been hit and damaged while exiting the trench, ordered them to maintain their position and prepare for their run, just before being shot down by Vader. Skywalker was in the lead, while Darklighter and Antilles maintained a greater distance behind him in order to shield him from the Imperial fighters. The three pilots traversed the trench at full throttle in order to keep the TIEs away. During the approach the stabilizer on Luke's X-Wing loosened, forcing him to initiate repairs and keep his ship steady before he could begin targeting, slowing down the run. Vader and his wingmen gave chase, and opened up on the X-Wings at long range. One of the wingmen's shots scored a minor hit on Wedge's X-Wing, damaging the engine array, and he was forced to abandon the trench run, unable to keep up with his wingmates. Vader instructed his wingmen to let him go and maintain their pursuit of Biggs and Luke. Soon Vader shot down Biggs, leaving Luke without any assistance in the trench. Vader and his wingmen then sped down the trench after Luke, as Luke neared the exhaust port. At this critical moment, Luke heard the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Major Characters
prompting him to deactivate his targeting computer. The Rebel technicians on Yavin 4 questioned this decision, but Luke reassured them that everything was all right. Vader gained a partial weapon lock on Skywalker's X-Wing, and took a potentially fatal shot. However, the blast only grazed R2
(R2-series Astromech Droid)
, rendering him inoperative for the remainder of the mission but causing no apparent direct damage to Luke's fighter. In the Death Star's control room, master chief gunnery officer Tenn Graneet prepared to fire the Death Star's superlaser. With the Death Star primed to fire, he hesitated, feeling the guilt of the destruction of Alderaan. He called to standby as the others in the control room urged him to shoot. Vader, sensing that the last pilot, Skywalker, was strong in the Force, prepared to kill him (unaware at the time that Skywalker was his own son). However, at the last moment, Han Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
and Chewbacca
Major Characters
in the Millennium Falcon
Millennium Falcon
(YT-1300 Light Freighter)
Named Starships
surprised Darth Vader and, with a laser blast, destroyed one of his wingmen, Backstabber. In the confusion, the other wingman, Mithel, panicked and collided with Vader's fighter, sending himself crashing into the trench and Vader careening out of control into space. With the Force aiding him, Luke fired his torpedoes, both of which entered the port perfectly. On the Death Star's bridge, Admiral Motti called out that torpedoes were in the main shaft and would hit the reactor. The Death Star exploded just seconds before its main gun would have destroyed Yavin 4. Grand Moff Tarkin and almost the battle station's entire crew were killed. Vader himself managed to regain control of his fighter and fled the Yavin system with his life. The Rebel Alliance had won a spectacular victory. Because of these actions, Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca were awarded medals after the battle.
Following event: Yavin award ceremony
Yavin Award Ceremony
Galactic Civil War


See also
Related organizations
Imperial NavyStructureCharactersAdmiral MottiStarshipsTIE FighterRanksAdmiralMottiPart of / Served onGalactic Empire
Imperial Starfighter CorpsStructureOrganizationsBlack SquadronStarshipsTIE Fighter
Black SquadronStructureCharactersDarth Vader (Commander) (Black Leader)"Mauler" Mithel (Black 2)Backstabber (Black 3)Dark Curse (DS-61-4) (Black 4)ChaserStarshipsTIE Advanced x1Black LeaderTIE FighterBlack 2, Black 3, Black 4RolesCommanderDarth VaderPart of / Served onImperial Starfighter CorpsGroup AssignmentsBlack LeaderTIE Advanced x1Darth Vader (Pilot)Black 2TIE Fighter"Mauler" Mithel (Pilot)Black 3TIE FighterBackstabber (Pilot)Black 4TIE FighterDark Curse (DS-61-4) (Pilot)
Imperial ArmyStructureCharactersGeneral Cassio TaggeRanksGeneralCassio TaggePart of / Served onGalactic Empire
Imperial Security BureauStructureCharactersColonel Wullf YularenRanksColonelWullf YularenPart of / Served onGalactic Empire
Rebel Alliance NavyStructureOrganizationsAlliance Starfighter CorpsPart of / Served onRebel Alliance
Alliance Starfighter CorpsStructureOrganizationsRed SquadronGold SquadronBlue SquadronGreen SquadronPart of / Served onRebel Alliance Navy
Blue SquadronPart of / Served onAlliance Starfighter Corps
Gold SquadronStructureCharactersJon 'Dutch' Vander (Commander) (Gold Leader)Ryle Torsyn (Gold 3)Davish 'Pops' Krail (Gold 5)Keyan Farlander (Gold 7)StarshipsBTL Y-WingGold Leader, Gold 3, Gold 5, Gold 7RolesCommanderJon 'Dutch' VanderPart of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolJon 'Dutch' VanderArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetJon 'Dutch' VanderDiagnostech Life Support UnitJon 'Dutch' VanderGroup AssignmentsGold LeaderBTL Y-WingJon 'Dutch' Vander (Pilot)Gold 3BTL Y-WingRyle Torsyn (Pilot)Gold 5BTL Y-WingDavish 'Pops' Krail (Pilot)Gold 7BTL Y-WingKeyan Farlander (Pilot)
Green SquadronStructureStarshipsT-65 X-WingPart of / Served onAlliance Starfighter Corps
Red SquadronStructureCharactersGarven Dreis (Commander) (Red Leader)Wedge Antilles (Red 2)Biggs Darklighter (Red 3)John D. Branon (Red 4)Luke Skywalker (Red 5)Jek Porkins (Red 6)StarshipsT-65 X-WingRed Leader, Red 2, Red 3, Red 4, Red 5, Red 6RolesCommanderGarven DreisPart of / Served onAlliance Starfighter CorpsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolBiggs DarklighterModel 57 Blaster PistolLuke SkywalkerArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetJek PorkinsLuke SkywalkerBiggs DarklighterWedge AntillesGarven DreisDiagnostech Life Support UnitJek PorkinsLuke SkywalkerBiggs DarklighterWedge AntillesGarven DreisGroup AssignmentsRed LeaderT-65 X-WingGarven Dreis (Pilot)R5-K6 (Astromech)Red 2T-65 X-WingWedge Antilles (Pilot)Red 3T-65 X-WingBiggs Darklighter (Pilot)R2-F2 (Astromech)Red 4T-65 X-WingJohn D. Branon (Pilot)Red 5T-65 X-WingLuke Skywalker (Pilot)R2-D2 (Astromech)Red 6T-65 X-WingJek Porkins (Pilot)R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Astromech Droid) (Astromech)
Rebel AllianceStructureCharactersGeneral Jan DodonnaLeia Organa SoloOrganizationsRebel Alliance NavyRanksGeneralJan DodonnaWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolJan Dodonna
Galactic EmpireStructureCharactersWilhuff TarkinOrganizationsImperial NavyImperial ArmyImperial Security BureauStarshipsDeath Star
Related units, characters and other technologies
ChewbaccaMembershipMillennium FalconPilot
Darth VaderMembershipBlack SquadronCommander (Black Leader)TIE Advanced x1Pilot (Black Leader)
Luke SkywalkerMembershipRed SquadronRed 5T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 5)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsModel 57 Blaster PistolArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
Han SoloMembershipMillennium FalconPilot and Captain
Leia Organa SoloMembershipRebel Alliance
Wedge AntillesMembershipRed SquadronRed 2T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 2)Weapons and EquipmentArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
Wilhuff TarkinMembershipGalactic EmpireDeath StarCommander
Nera Dantels
Biggs DarklighterMembershipRed SquadronRed 3T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 3)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
Jan DodonnaMembershipRebel AllianceGeneral Jan DodonnaWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster Pistol
Garven DreisMembershipRed SquadronCommander (Red Leader)T-65 X-WingPilot (Red Leader)Weapons and EquipmentArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
Keyan FarlanderMembershipGold SquadronGold 7BTL Y-WingPilot (Gold 7)
Jek PorkinsMembershipRed SquadronRed 6T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 6)Weapons and EquipmentArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
Cassio TaggeMembershipImperial ArmyGeneral Cassio TaggeDeath StarPassenger
Wullf YularenMembershipImperial Security BureauColonel Wullf YularenDeath StarPassenger
BackstabberMembershipBlack SquadronBlack 3TIE FighterPilot (Black 3)
John D. BranonMembershipRed SquadronRed 4T-65 X-WingPilot (Red 4)
Dark Curse (DS-61-4)MembershipBlack SquadronBlack 4TIE FighterPilot (Black 4)
Davish 'Pops' KrailMembershipGold SquadronGold 5BTL Y-WingPilot (Gold 5)
"Mauler" MithelMembershipBlack SquadronBlack 2TIE FighterPilot (Black 2)
MottiMembershipImperial NavyAdmiral MottiDeath StarPassenger
ChaserMembershipBlack SquadronTIE FighterPilot
Ryle TorsynMembershipGold SquadronGold 3BTL Y-WingPilot (Gold 3)
Jon 'Dutch' VanderMembershipGold SquadronCommander (Gold Leader)BTL Y-WingPilot (Gold Leader)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsDH-17 Blaster PistolArmorK-22995 Light Flight HelmetDiagnostech Life Support Unit
R2-D2MembershipT-65 X-WingAstromech (Red 5)
R2-F2MembershipT-65 X-WingAstromech (Red 3)
R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Astromech Droid)MembershipT-65 X-WingAstromech (Red 6)
R5-K6MembershipT-65 X-WingAstromech (Red Leader)
Death StarCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersWilhuff Tarkin (Commander)Cassio Tagge (Passenger)Wullf Yularen (Passenger)Motti (Passenger)RolesCommanderWilhuff TarkinUsed byGalactic Empire
BTL Y-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersJon 'Dutch' Vander (Pilot) (Gold Leader)Ryle Torsyn (Pilot) (Gold 3)Davish 'Pops' Krail (Pilot) (Gold 5)Keyan Farlander (Pilot) (Gold 7)RolesPilotDavish 'Pops' KrailRyle TorsynJon 'Dutch' VanderKeyan FarlanderUsed byGold SquadronGold Leader, Gold 3, Gold 5, Gold 7
T-65 X-WingCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersGarven Dreis (Pilot) (Red Leader)R5-K6 (Astromech) (Red Leader)Wedge Antilles (Pilot) (Red 2)Biggs Darklighter (Pilot) (Red 3)R2-F2 (Astromech) (Red 3)John D. Branon (Pilot) (Red 4)Luke Skywalker (Pilot) (Red 5)R2-D2 (Astromech) (Red 5)Jek Porkins (Pilot) (Red 6)R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Astromech Droid) (Astromech) (Red 6)RolesPilotWedge AntillesJohn D. BranonBiggs DarklighterGarven DreisJek PorkinsLuke SkywalkerAstromechR2-D2R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Astromech Droid)R2-F2R5-K6Used byGreen SquadronRed SquadronRed Leader, Red 2, Red 3, Red 4, Red 5, Red 6
TIE Advanced x1Crew, Passengers and CargoCharactersDarth Vader (Pilot) (Black Leader)RolesPilotDarth VaderUsed byBlack SquadronBlack Leader
TIE FighterCrew, Passengers and CargoCharacters"Mauler" Mithel (Pilot) (Black 2)Backstabber (Pilot) (Black 3)Dark Curse (DS-61-4) (Pilot) (Black 4)Chaser (Pilot)RolesPilotBackstabber"Mauler" MithelChaserDark Curse (DS-61-4)Used byBlack SquadronBlack 2, Black 3, Black 4Imperial Starfighter CorpsImperial Navy
Millennium FalconCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersHan Solo (Pilot and Captain)Chewbacca (Pilot)RolesCaptainHan SoloPilotChewbaccaHan Solo
ColonelMembershipImperial Security BureauWullf Yularen
GeneralMembershipImperial ArmyCassio TaggeRebel AllianceJan Dodonna
AdmiralMembershipImperial NavyMotti
CaptainMembershipMillennium FalconHan Solo
CommanderMembershipBlack SquadronDarth VaderGold SquadronJon 'Dutch' VanderRed SquadronGarven DreisDeath StarWilhuff Tarkin
PilotMembershipTIE Advanced x1Darth VaderTIE FighterBackstabber"Mauler" MithelChaserDark Curse (DS-61-4)BTL Y-WingDavish 'Pops' KrailRyle TorsynJon 'Dutch' VanderKeyan FarlanderMillennium FalconChewbaccaHan SoloT-65 X-WingWedge AntillesJohn D. BranonBiggs DarklighterGarven DreisJek PorkinsLuke Skywalker
AstromechMembershipT-65 X-WingR2-D2R5-D8 (Jek Porkins' Astromech Droid)R2-F2R5-K6
Complete list

Full unit name: Battle of Yavin Last updated: 30.07.2024 20:56:16